
Stylin’ in My New Outfit

January 27, 2008

PS — I forgot to show off my new outfit! I’m stylin in a orange knit jumper and a matching racing hat. Just the right outfit for all my new adventures. (FYI — catch my dance move? My arms are groovin to the music and my feet are tappin’).




  1. Do I hear wolf whistles?

  2. My goodness Lois. Where on earth did you find these garments? I doubt this is a designer label darling and I am wondering if Dru is trying to cramp P’s style and make sure that any dubious warlocks look elsewhere 🙂

  3. Now Pris I hate to say this but havn’t you got the HAT
    on BACKWARDS I could have sworn it had a peaked cap but then as le Enchanteur says ” where have my fashion tastes been” ?……
    I just thought the set would match the orange sports car but how was I to know you would take it back to the dealership after a thrill ride…..
    Anyway its more enviornmentally friendly to be riding on a dragon anyway,less costly and good for the atmosphere…
    I can see now that orange is not your colour,especially with blue eyes and a pink tongue.
    It might be alright if you kept you mouth shut and your eyes closed it might not look half bad.
    Anyway I am off to bed ..I have had visitors for tea from up in Swan Reach ,,cooked a leg of lamb and assorted vegies and salad ..and I am plum tuckered out
    Your Brother John will be down on Tuesday to return his computer to Hewlett Packard who changed over his info from his old modem to his new one and left half the info out….WOW is he angry ..heads will roll at H/P in Melbourne …as you know Pris he worked there for 25 years and has now retired to the live in the bush…wouldn’t have happened in his day say brother John…..so there will be one angry bloke in your bed next week ….
    Ok now Sis take off that silly looking outfit before there are more complaints re its suitability for a witch to be wearing.
    Apologise to Genece for me in sending such a totally ghastly colour to be seen in. I was wondering if the CAT Selena has come out from hiding under the bed since you put it on….
    Bye Bye Nite Nite to you all much Love
    ….. x x x DRU……Sunday 27th

  4. Wow! Pris, you look so sexy in that outfit. And what a gorgeous color. Dru will be so envious.


  5. LOL, this is so much fun. Lois, you are making me laugh!

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